Ph. D. University of Minnesota
Areas of Interest
Asian mammal conservation
- FW 4103 – Principles of Wildlife Management – 3 cr.
- FW 5625 – Wildlife Handling and Immobilization – 2 cr.
- CFANS 3504 - Tiger Conservation and Vertebrate Field Methods – 3 cr.
My research focuses on the biology and conservation of mammals in Asia, including individual based modeling of large mammals, metapopulation structure of large mammals in relation to landscape patterns and human-wildlife conflict. Most of my personal research has focused on tigers but I have advised students studying a number of other species (e.g. gaur, banteng, fishing cat, sloth bear, snow leopard). My current research is in Thailand and Nepal but I have also worked in China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Bangladesh. Through my research I have developed study abroad programs at U Minnesota for undergraduates in Thailand and Nepal.
Biology and conservation of mammals in Asia; conservation data bases; individual based modeling of large mammal and human dynamics, metapopulation structure of large mammals in relation to landscape patterns and the human dimension context, ecosystem management.
Select Publications
- Liu, Y., Dodge, S., Simcharoen, A., Ahearn, S.C., Smith, J.L.D. 2024. Analyzing tiger interaction and home range shifts using a time-geographic approach. Movement Ecology. 12:13
- Li, Z., Lu, J., Shi, X, Duo, L., Smith, J.L.D., Wang, T. 2024. Competitive interactions and coexistence of sympatric flagship. Integrative Zoology Integrative Zoology 19:183-199.
- Wang, D., Smith, J.L.D. Francesco Accatino, Jianping, G.E., Wang, T. 2023. Addressing the impact of canine distemper spreading on an isolated tiger population in northeast Asia. Integrative Zoology doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12712
- Simcharoen, A., Simcharoen, S., Duangchantrasiri, S., Vijittrakollchai, C., 2021. Exploratory dispersal movements by young tigers in Thailand’s Western Forest Complex: the challenges of securing a territory. Mammal Research 67: 21-30.
- Feng, R., Lü, X., Xiao, W. Feng, J., Sun, Y., Guam, Y., Feng, L., Smith, J.L.D., Ge, J., Wang, T. 2021. Effects of free‑ranging livestock on sympatric herbivores at fine spatiotemporal scales. Landscape Ecology 36: 1441-1457.
- Feng, J., Sun, Y., Li, H., Xiao, Y., Zhang, D., Smith, J.L.D., Ge, J., Wang, T. 2021. Assessing mammal species richness and occupancy in a Northeast Asian temperate forest shared by cattle. Diversity and Distributions 27:857-872.
- Dodge, S., Su, R., Johnson, J., Simcharoen, A., Goulias, K., Smith, J.L.D., Ahearn, A.C. 2021. ORTEGA: an object-oriented time-geographic analytical approach to trace space-time contact patterns in movement data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 88: 101630.
- Simcharoen, S., A. Simcharoen, S. Hasin, f. Cuthbert, J.L.D. Smith. 2020. Diet of the large Indian civet (Viverra zibetha L., 1758) in west-cental Thailand. Malayan Nature Journal 72:287-293.
- Simcharoen, S., A. Simcharoen, S. Hasin, f. Cuthbert, J.L.D. Smith. 2020. Diet composition of the golden jackal (Canis aureus L,) during the dry season in western-central Thailand. Malayan Nature Journal 72:275-286.
- Khaewphakdee, S., A. Simcharoen, S. Dongchantrasiri, V. Chimchome, S. Simcharoen, J.L.D. Smith. 2020. Weights of gaur (Bos gaurus) and banteng (Bos javanicus) killed by tigers in Thailand. Ecology and Evolution. 10: 5152-5159. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6268.
- Jornburom, P., S. Duangshantrasiri, S. Jinamoy, A. Pattanavibol, J.E. Hines, T. Arnold, J. Fieberg, J.L.D. Smith. 2020. Habitat use by tiger prey in Thailand’s Western Forest Complex: What will it take to fill a half-empty tiger landscape? 2020. J. Nature Conservation 58: 1-11.
- Saisamorn, A., P. Duengkae, A. Pattonavibol, S. Duangchatrasiri, A. Simcharoen & J.L.D. Smith. 2019. Spatial and temporal analysis of leopards (Panthera pardus), their prey and tigers (Panthera tigris) in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand. Folia Oecologia 46(2).
- Dou, H., H. Yang, J.L.D. Smith, L. Feng, T. Wang, J. Ge. 2019. Prey selection of Amur tigers in relation to the spatiotemporal overlap with prey across the Sino-Russian border. Wildlife Biology. doi: 10.2981/wlb.00508
- Duangchatrasiri,S., *J. Pornkamol, J. Sitthichai, A.Pattanvibool, J.E.Hines, T. W. Arnold, J. Fieberg, and J.L.D. Smith. In Press. Impact of prey occupancy and other ecological and anthropogenic factors on tiger distribution in Thailand's Western Forest Complex. Ecology and Evolution.
- Liu,Yue-Chen,X.Sun, C. Driscoll, D.G. Miquelle, X.Xu, P. Martelli, O. Uphrykina, J.L.D. Smith, S.J. O'Brien, *S-J.Luo. 2018. Genome-Wide Evolutionary Analysis of Natural History and Adaptation in the World's Tigers. Current Biology.
- B.R. Lamichhane, N. Subedi, C. Pokheral, M. Dhakal, K. Acharya, N. Pradhan, J.L.D. Smith, S.Malla, B. Thakuri and C. Yackulic. 2017. Using interviews and biological sign surveys to infer seasonal use of forested and agricultural portions of a human-dominated landscape by Asian elephants in Nepal. Ethol. Ecol. & Evol. 29: 1-17
- S. Pakpien, A Simcharoen, S. Duangchantrasiri, V. Chimchome, N. Pongpattannurak and J.L.D. Smith. 2017. Ecological covariates at kill sites influence tiger (Panthera tigris) hunting success in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand. Trop. Conser. Sci. 10: 1-7. doi: 10.1177/1940082917719000
- Ahearn, S.C., S. Dodge, A. Simcharoen, G. Xavier, J.L.D.Smith. 2016. A context-sensitive correlated random walk: a new simulation model for movement. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 1-17.
Honors and Awards
2021 Award for Global Engagement at the University of Minnesota