
Name Areas of Interest Email
David Andersen
Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Avian ecology, conservation & management

[email protected]
Charles Anderson
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Fisheries ecology, stream ecology

[email protected]
Gerald Ankley
Adjunct Associate Professor


[email protected]
Todd Arnold
Professor, Undergraduate Major Coordinator

Waterfowl ecology & management

[email protected]
Przemek Bajer
Research Assistant Professor

Invasive fish ecology & management

[email protected]
John Berini
Adjunct Assistant Professor

animal movement and feeding behavior, landscape ecology, nutritional ecology, plant-animal interactions, stable isotope ecology

[email protected]
Robert Blair
Department Head, Professor/Extension

Avian Ecology, urban ecology, citizen science

[email protected]
Joseph Bump
Professor, Gordon W. Gullion Endowed Chair in Forest Wildlife Research & Education, Director of Graduate Studies, Conservation Sciences Graduate Program
Animal ecology, aquatic-terrestrial links, carnivore ecology, carrion ecology, conservation science, ecopoetics, environmental history, graduate education, science writing, stable isotopes, wildlife film, wildlife management.
[email protected]
Nilanjan Chatterjee
Postdoctoral Fellow

Statistical Ecology, Quantative Ecology,

[email protected]
Francesca Cuthbert
Professor Emeritus

Biology and conservation of waterbirds

[email protected]
Solomon R David
Assistant Professor

Fish Ecology & Conservation, Freshwater Biodiversity, Science Communication

[email protected]
Laura Dee
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Conservation ecology, ecosystem services, global change ecology and the intersection between ecology and economics.

[email protected]
John Fieberg

Statistical ecology

[email protected]
Kassandra Ford
Assistant Professor, Curator of Ichthyology and Molluscs, Bell Museum
Evolutionary Biology, Ichthyology, Convergent Evolution, Functional Morphology, Biomechanics, Neotropical Fishes, Afrotropical Fishes

[email protected]
James Forester
Associate Professor

Quantitative landscape ecology

[email protected]
Julia Frost Nerbonne
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Environmental sustainability; conflict management; social movements; climate movement; climate psychology

[email protected]
David Fulton
Professor, Assistant Unit Leader, Wildlife - Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Human dimensions of fish and wildlife management

[email protected]
Susan Galatowitsch

Restoration ecology, wetland ecology

[email protected]
R J Gutierrez
Professor Emeritus

Game bird ecology, sustainable wildlife management strategies

[email protected]
Gretchen Hansen
Assistant Professor

Fisheries Ecology

[email protected]
Christopher Jennelle
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Wildlife disease ecology, disease surveillance, population dynamics, quantitative ecology, spatial ecology, wildlife conservation and management, chronic wasting disease, avian influenza

[email protected]
Douglas Johnson
Adjunct Professor

Quantitative ecology

Chad Kooistra
Postdoctoral Associate

I study human dimensions of natural resource management (conservation social sciences). My current project is examining people's attitudes about climate adaptation strategies for managing fish and wildlife in the Midwest U.S. to help inform decision making and communication and outreach efforts.

[email protected]
Kenneth Kozak
Associate Professor, Bell Museum Amphibians & Reptiles Collection Curator

Amphibians & reptile biogeography and evolution

[email protected]
Terry Kreeger
Adjunct Professor

Wildlife diseases ecology, physiology.

[email protected]
Adam Landon
Adjunct Assistant Professor

My research interests lie in the human dimensions of natural resources, especially environmental and conservation psychology.

[email protected]
Daniel Larkin
Professor/Extension Specialist

Plant management and restoration

[email protected]
Mike Larson
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Avian ecology & management, quantitative ecology, decision analysis

[email protected]
Olivia LeDee
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Acting Director, Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center

Conservation Planning

[email protected]
L David Mech
Adjunct Professor

Wolf ecology and behavior; predator-prey relations; population regulation; social ecology

[email protected]
Loren Miller
Adjunct Professor

Fisheries Conservation Genetics, Population Genetics, Hatchery Management

[email protected]
Bruce Monson
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Limnology, mercury and emerging contaminants in aquatic environments

[email protected]
Kristen Nelson
Professor, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Professor, Department of Forest Resources

Environmental change & human systems

[email protected]
Raymond Newman

Aquatic ecology, invasive species, and coastal marine systems.

[email protected]
Donald Pereira
Adjunct Associate Professor

Fisheries population & community dynamics, watershed management

[email protected]
Jim Perry

Science-policy connections in natural resources

[email protected]
Nicholas Phelps
Director, Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center, Associate Professor

Infectious diseases in fish populations

[email protected]
Sushma Reddy
Associate Professor, Breckenridge Chair of Ornithology, Curator of Birds | Bell Museum of Natural History

Origins and maintenance of biological diversity, the evolutionary history of birds

[email protected]
Charlotte Roy
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Avian ecology, population and community ecology, wildlife conservation and management

[email protected]
Amy Schrank
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fisheries and Aquaculture Extension Educator, MN Sea Grant

I am an aquatic ecologist with specific research interests in 1) fish movement patterns and community dynamics, 2) aquatic terrestrial links, and 3) the effects of human impacts on aquatic systems.

[email protected]
Andrew Simons
Professor Emeritus

Phylogenetics of fishes, phylogeography of North American freshwater fishes, evolution of trophic morphology.

[email protected]
J L David Smith
Distinguished Global Professor Emeritus

Asian mammal conservation

[email protected]
Peter Sorensen
Professor Emeritus

Fish Physiology & behavior

[email protected]
George Spangler
Emeritus Professor

Population dynamics of fish in large lake systems

Veronique St Louis
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Quantitative ecology

[email protected]
Seth Stapleton
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Conservation of marine turtles, Population ecology, Impacts of climate change, Development of methods for monitoring wildlife populations

[email protected]
Henry Streby
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Avian ecology

[email protected]
Edward Swain
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Aquatic ecosystem ecology, air pollution impacts, paleolimnology

[email protected]
Dawn Tanner
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Conservation education, tropical habitat conservation

[email protected]
Paul Venturelli
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Aquatic ecology; fish and fisheries; invasive and endangered species; life history (e.g., growth, maturity, reproduction, longevity); population dynamics and modeling; resource management and policy; temperature and climate change. 

[email protected]
Bruce Vondracek
Professor Emeritus

Stream ecology

[email protected]
Lynn Waterhouse
Assistant Professor, Assistant Unit Leader, Fisheries - Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Quantitative Fisheries Science

[email protected]
Elena West
Teaching Assistant Professor

Avian ecology and behavior; bioacoustics; conservation; community-driven science

[email protected]
Tom Will
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Avian biology and conservation

[email protected]